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Wednesday 27 December 2017

Grill Pan Teriyaki Chicken Skewers

Paleo Grubs
Paleo Grubs -

Who doesn’t love chicken teriyaki? This Japanese dish is popular all over the world for its distinct flavors that go with various proteins such as chicken, pork, beef and more. Today I want to share a recipe for some tasty grill pan teriyaki chicken skewers. Unlike traditional teriyaki sauce that uses ingredients like soy sauce and sugar, this recipe features a 100% paleo-friendly homemade teriyaki sauce that’s packed with flavor.

This recipe for grill pan teriyaki chicken skewers is a must try! It features juicy pieces of white meat chicken breast that have been marinated in a 100% paleo-friendly homemade teriyaki sauce. The sauce itself is incredibly easy to prepare, but don’t let that fool you -- I’m not sure if I have ever in my life tried a marinade sauce that is as good as this teriyaki mix.

Flavorful Paleo-Friendly Teriyaki Sauce From Scratch

This recipe boils down to the teriyaki sauce so pay close attention to the ingredients you use to ensure that it turns out well. It’s incredibly simple to prepare as you simply have to combine the select ingredients together in a bowl. Add the chicken pieces into the marinade and let it sit for at least 30 minutes, or leave it to soak overnight. Thread the chicken pieces onto bamboo skewers that have been soaked in water and grill them for 12-15 minutes. Nothing complicated at all, and other than waiting for the meat to marinate, it takes next to no time to prepare.

Coconut Aminos, A Paleo Alternative to Soy Sauce

As for the teriyaki sauce itself, you’ll need coconut aminos, raw organic honey, apple cider vinegar, freshly grated ginger (or ground ginger), and garlic. The coconut aminos are a perfect substitute for the soy sauce, and added MSG that comes with it, that usually goes into making teriyaki sauce. They add a slightly salty flavor to the sauce and also contain essential vitamins, minerals, and amino acids. The salty taste is somewhat offset by the organic honey. It is also a nutritional powerhouse, as it’s absolutely loaded with healthy properties. It contains vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and it even has antiviral, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. (1)

cutting raw chicken breast

making teriyaki sauce

marinating raw chicken in teriyaki sauce

Apple Cider Vinegar with ‘The Mother’

Apple cider vinegar meanwhile adds quite a lot of nutritional value to this teriyaki sauce as well, in addition to adding another element of flavor thanks to it’s tangy bitterness. Apple cider vinegar consumption also helps to improve digestion, stabilize blood sugar levels, and according to one study has also shown potential in assisting with weight loss. (2) And finally, it should go without saying that the garlic and ginger both add quite a bit of potent flavor to the sauce mixture. Both of these ingredients also provide a wide range of health benefits including strengthening the immune system and reducing inflammation in the body. (3)(4)

grilling teriyaki chicken skewers

Make sure your apple cider vinegar is unprocessed and raw, meaning it should still contain enzymes called ‘The Mother’ which is said to be responsible for the health benefits of apple cider vinegar.

As you can see, all of the above ingredients end up combining perfectly to make a delicious teriyaki sauce that is absolutely loaded with some incredible health benefits. You won’t believe how good the sauce really is until you try it out for yourself; in fact I wholeheartedly recommend leaving the chicken to soak in the marinade overnight in order to maximize the flavor. And it isn’t just chicken that goes well with this teriyaki sauce — you simply must try it with pork and beef as well.

paleo chicken teriyaki skewers recipe

Grill Pan Teriyaki Chicken Skewers
Serves 4
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Prep Time
10 min
Cook Time
15 min
Total Time
25 min
Prep Time
10 min
Cook Time
15 min
Total Time
25 min
  1. 2 pounds boneless, skinless chicken breasts, cut into 1 inch pieces
  2. ¼ cup coconut aminos
  3. 1 tablespoon raw organic honey
  4. 1 teaspoon apple cider vinegar
  5. 2 teaspoons grated fresh ginger or ½ tsp ground ginger
  6. 2 cloves garlic, minced
  7. 1 tsp olive oil
  8. bamboo skewers
  1. In a bowl combine the coconut aminos, honey, apple cider vinegar, ginger and garlic.
  2. Add the chicken and toss to coat.
  3. Cover and marinade for at least 30 minutes (marinate overnight for fullest flavor).
  4. Soak the bamboo skewers in water for 20 minutes.
  5. Thread the chicken onto skewers.
  6. Preheat a grill pan over medium low heat.
  7. Brush with olive oil.
  8. Grill for 12-15 minutes, turning frequently, until golden brown and cooked through.
  9. Serve immediately.
Paleo Grubs
P.S. – If you love this recipe and you’re looking for some more grilled meat on a stick recipe ideas, I’ve got a few recommendations that you might want to check out:

And if you’re looking for another great paleo-friendly way to enjoy the classic taste of teriyaki, you might want to check out this recipe as well:

Grill Pan Teriyaki Chicken Skewers
Jess (Paleo Grubs)

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