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Saturday 16 September 2017

Very Berry Acai Bowl with Cashews and Fresh Kumquat

Paleo Grubs
Paleo Grubs -

Acai bowls have been gaining in popularity in recent years as an alternative way to enjoy your favorite smoothies. Some of you may be wondering what exactly a smoothie bowl is. The simple answer is that it’s a smoothie eaten with a spoon instead of using a straw. To elaborate on that a bit further, they also tend to be a bit thicker in consistency than a typical smoothie thanks to the addition of frozen fruits and nuts. Smoothie bowls tend to make for an excellent alternative to regular breakfast cereals. This recipe makes one incredibly delicious acai bowl, using frozen mixed berries and a single ripe banana as a base along with soaked cashew nuts.

This very berry acai recipe makes one incredibly delicious acai bowl, using frozen mixed berries and a single ripe banana as a base along with soaked cashew nuts.

Acai Berry Powder Provides a Blast of Health Benefits 

While mixed berries, bananas, and cashew nuts are all extremely good for you, the real star of this recipe is definitely the acai berry powder. This indigenous berry is commonly found in the Amazon and it’s absolutely jam packed with fantastic benefits for your health. Acai berries have been demonstrated to have potent anti-inflammatory benefits. (1) Not only that, but they have also been shown to improve digestion, boost your immune system, assist weight loss efforts, boost energy levels, and even help to clear up your skin.

Since it can be somewhat difficult to get your hands on raw, fresh acai berries, this smoothie recipe and many others like it make use of the easier to acquire acai berry powder. The powder form still possesses all of the same great health benefits and it’s incredibly convenient to add into your recipes.

Convenient Breakfast On-the-Go

Along with a yummy breakfast parfait, this acai bowl is hands down one of my favorite breakfast meals to grab for when I’m in a hurry and don’t have a lot of time to prepare something to eat.

acai smoothie bowl ingredients

All you have to do is throw your soaked cashew nuts into a blender with a bit of almond milk and then blend them together until it’s smooth. Then simply mix in the frozen mixed berries, banana, and acai powder and blend it all once more. Pour it into a bowl and top with kumquat, fresh berries, hemp hearts, or your choice of fruit to finish it off. The end result is a delicious acai smoothie bowl that can be prepared in 5-10 minutes.

blending the smoothie


Since acai is low in total carbohydrates and high in fiber, you have plenty of room to experiment with toppings. Some like to add nuts and seeds, while others prefer topping their acai bowls with fresh fruit to accompany the flavor of the frozen fruit. Acai is pretty tart on its own, so a dash of honey can also be added depending on your preferred level of sweetness. 

berry paleo smoothie bowl

Our very berry acai smoothie bowl makes for one fantastic breakfast meal replacement, and best of all, it takes next to no time to prepare. It’s ideal for anyone on the go, as it can be whipped up quickly and taken with you to enjoy at any time. It’s the very definition of delicious and nutritious, providing all of the great benefits of acai berry powder that were described above. When topped with hemp hearts, fresh berries, and sliced kumquat, this smoothie bowl becomes quite an eye popping visual treat as well.

Very Berry Acai Bowl with Cashews and Fresh Kumquat
Serves 1
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Prep Time
10 min
Total Time
10 min
Prep Time
10 min
Total Time
10 min
  1. 2 tbsp Acai Berry Powder
  2. ½ cup almond milk
  3. ¾ cup frozen mix berries
  4. 1 small ripe banana, frozen and sliced
  5. 2 tbsp cashew nuts, soaked overnight
  1. In a high power blender place the almond milk and cashew nuts and blend until smooth.
  2. Add in the frozen berries, acia powder and banana and blend until smooth.
  3. Pour in a bowl, top with fresh berries, sliced kumquat, sprinkle with hemp hearts and serve.
Paleo Grubs
P.S. – Looking for more ways to incorporate acai berries into your diet? We have a list of 33 great acai bowls and drinks that you absolutely must try!

If you’re looking for a more traditional green healthy smoothie recipe, you’re going to want to check out what is quite possibly the best paleo green smoothie ever.

Very Berry Acai Bowl with Cashews and Fresh Kumquat
Jess (Paleo Grubs)

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