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Friday 25 August 2017

Honey Nut Paleo Energy Balls (with Figs, Walnuts and Raw Honey)

Paleo Grubs
Paleo Grubs -

Some paleo recipes are meticulously planned out and some sneak up on you, burrow in your head and won’t let you do anything else until you have conquered it—and successfully ate it! Last week I opened my cabinet and saw that my boyfriend bought a big box (and when I say big, I mean like Costco size box) of Fig Newtons. Drool. I know, not your average drool worthy cookie but for me, it’s one of my top ten—yes, I have ten favorite cookies. For days, I thought about those cookies. Many nights, I dreamt about them. It’s safe to say that I could not stop thinking about fig filled cookies.

You have never had Paleo energy balls like these!! Wow. Such a tasty nutrient-dense snack and dessert all rolled into one.

I have made many fig recipes and even my own version of a Fig Newton so I needed something new. Something with a twist. Perhaps this is what my brain couldn’t stop thinking about. Oh, those glorious figs… I needed to make a fig something but what? You probably think I’m kidding when I say that I literally thought about this for days. I thought of probably a hundred different recipes I could make and how I could make them healthy. I needed it to be different than my past fig baking ventures. No fig bars or cookies this time. That’s when I landed on walnut fig bliss balls or energy balls or energy bites—whatever you want to call them. They are small, delicious, loaded with energy and in ball form.

energy ball ingredients

Walnuts and figs are a match made in heaven and my boyfriend thought so too! He said they were a great replacement to his Fig Newtons he sneakily snuck into my kitchen. I agree with his comment and would even go as far as to say they are better than your traditional sugar-filled fig cookie. When I was a kid, I thought Fig Newtons were healthy and boy was I wrong. While figs are great for you and contain lots of minerals, vitamins and fiber, the traditional fig cookie is not! So it’s understandable how as a child I thought such a thing. My walnut fig energy bites provide all those minerals, vitamins and fiber with an added dose of healthy because it’s not be contradicted by high fructose corn syrup and artificial flavors. The best part about making your own food: knowing exactly what’s in it. All the way down to the very last calorie, I know and can pronounce all four ingredients in these delicious fig filled goodness balls. Maybe that’s what I should call them!

making the paleo recipe

Looking for Paleo-approved ingredients for this energy bite recipe? Here is a free sample we’d recommend:

16 oz. jar of Really Raw Unstrained Honey (while supplies last)

Honey Nut Paleo Energy Balls
Yields 11
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  1. ½ cup walnuts
  2. 1 cup figs, stems removed
  3. 1 tbsp. raw honey
  4. 2 tsp. vanilla extract
  1. Place all ingredients in a food processor on high until a dough forms. You may need to stop and scrape the sides and bottom.
  2. Separate dough into 11 evenly sized balls.
  3. Store in an airtight container.
Paleo Grubs
(Make this next: No Bake Chocolate Almond Butter Energy Bites)

Honey Nut Paleo Energy Balls (with Figs, Walnuts and Raw Honey)
Jess (Paleo Grubs)

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