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Sunday 24 December 2017

Oven Roasted Honey Lemon Chicken (Unbelievably Easy)

Paleo Grubs
Paleo Grubs -

Chicken is absolutely one of my favorite protein sources to eat on my paleo journey. There’s just so many different ways to prepare and enjoy it that you literally never run out of options. Whether it’s using the white meat breasts and ribs or the dark meat thighs and legs, a delicious homemade paleo-friendly meal is incredibly easy to prepare with chicken as your main protein source. Today I wanted to share a recipe that uses the whole chicken to make a deliciously juicy roasted honey lemon chicken.

Looking for a new and different way to enjoy eating chicken? You’ve come to the right place. This recipe uses a whole chicken that’s been flattened the backbone removed and drizzled with a fantastic honey mixture and topped with lemon slices. Simply bake it for 25-30 minutes and you’re all set to enjoy an unbelievably juicy roasted honey lemon chicken.

Salty Sweet Paleo Chicken Marinade with A Tangy Twist

It’s quite common for many people to bake hams that have been drizzled with honey to really add some extra flavor to their meals. That same idea translates excellently to baking a chicken as well. The honey adds a deliciously sweet and sticky flavoring to the chicken meat and it’s so good for you too. It’s a natural energy source that will give you a nice boost after eating it, and it’s absolutely loaded with antioxidants, antimicrobial, and antiviral properties as well. (1) For the drizzle used on the chicken, you simply mix the honey with a bit of water, olive oil, garlic, and salt. It’s as easy as that to prepare.

To top it off, before baking your chicken, you are also going to be topping them with lemon slices. The juice from the lemon will soak into the chicken as it bakes, adding a delightful element of tanginess that meshes perfectly with the sweet flavoring from the honey. Lemons are naturally high in vitamin C as well, complementing the honey to provide your immune system with an incredible boost. After baking the chicken, it’s best served with some roasted carrots and the remaining bit of pan juices left over from cooking.

prepping raw whole chicken

The Secret to Perfect Golden Brown Crispy Chicken Skin

Brushing the outside of your chicken with honey and olive oil is the secret to making the skin extra crispy. The honey will give it that golden brown color, while the olive oil is what will help render the fat for that crunch.

oven roasted lemon chicken

This roasted honey lemon chicken meal makes for the perfect dinner meal to enjoy with the entire family. The combination of honey and lemon juice makes for a sweet and sour chicken that’s absolutely bursting with flavor. It’s an excellent meal that provides plenty of protein and benefits for your immune system and overall health. Most importantly, this chicken is incredibly juicy and will leave you craving for more, which is no problem at all since this recipe is 100 percent paleo approved.

paleo roasted lemon chicken recipe

Oven Roasted Honey Lemon Chicken
Serves 4
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Prep Time
10 min
Cook Time
25 min
Total Time
35 min
Prep Time
10 min
Cook Time
25 min
Total Time
35 min
  1. 3 pounds whole chicken
  2. 2 tbsp water
  3. ½ lemon, sliced
  4. 2 tbsp honey
  5. 6 garlic cloves, minced
  6. 3 tbsp olive oil
  7. 1 ½ pound carrots, peeled and quartered lengthwise
  1. Preheat oven to 475ºF.
  2. In a small bowl mix water, honey, olive oil, garlic and pinch of salt.
  3. Place the chicken, breast-side down, on a cutting board.
  4. Using sharp kitchen scissors, cut closely along each side of the backbone.
  5. Remove the backbone.
  6. Turn the chicken, breast-side up, and press firmly on the breastbone with your palm to flatten.
  7. Place the chicken in a large baking dish. Generously season with salt.
  8. Arrange the carrots around the chicken.
  9. Drizzle the chicken and carrots with honey mixture.
  10. Top the chicken with lemon slices.
  11. Bake until the chicken is cooked through and skin is golden, 25 -30 minutes.
  12. Let chicken rest for at least 15 minutes before slicing.
  13. Serve with roasted carrots and extra pan juices.
Paleo Grubs
P.S. – There are plenty of paleo chicken recipes to be found here along with this one. Here are a few of our top recipes that you simply must try the next time you’re looking for a new way to enjoy a chicken dinner:

#1 – Grill Pan Paleo Chimichurri Chicken Breast

#2 – Tandoori-Style Paleo Chicken Skewers

#3 – The Best Chicken Pad Thai Ever

#4 – Honey Lime Grilled Chicken Skewers

Oven Roasted Honey Lemon Chicken (Unbelievably Easy)
Jess (Paleo Grubs)

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