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Tuesday 29 August 2017

Cinnamon Apple Pie Energy Balls

Paleo Grubs
Paleo Grubs -

I’ve never been a fan of apple pie. I think they are beautiful, I love baking them but please do not ask me to eat one. For one thing, I think they are a bit too sweet for me. I know, it doesn’t make any sense because I have a massive sweet tooth but apple pie just has way too much sugar and I can’t handle it. Not to mention my biggest grievance with apple pie—the texture of the apples within the pie. Why are they so slimy and gross? I just greatly dislike them even more than the sugar content; I can’t get over the texture. I’ve come to accept that apple pie just isn’t for me but give me crisp gala apple on the other hand and I would eat that up in a heartbeat. Please for the love of god, don’t give me an apple pie.

 These Paleo energy balls are kind of like the most energy packed bite of the most pure apple pie essence you have ever tasted in your life! Pure apple pie bliss.

Today, I was on a mission to make something delicious using apples (and not a pie) so I bought some dehydrated apple slices to see what I could come up with. At first I was thinking about making an apple flavored bar but then landed on creating scrumptious little energy bites. As for flavor, I was going for what I believe apple pies should taste like. Deliciously sweet—but not too sweet—lots of cinnamon and with a light crunchy texture. These little bites of joy completely exceeded all of my expectations. I literally screamed when I first tried them and yelled, “Yes! This is what apple pie should taste like!” My boyfriend thinks I’m nuts.

apple pie energy bal lingredients
food processor

I brought a few bites to work to get some feedback from some of my friends. I didn’t tell them what flavor these energy bites were and when my friend Sarah told me it tastes like sweet apple pie I think I cried a little. I can now die a very happy girl. My heart danced a little more when I got to tell her that they were healthy and made with only four whole food ingredients. I even expanded on how I used no added sugar and was naturally sweetened by using dates and apples. She couldn’t believe what she was hearing and I still couldn’t believe that she guessed apple pie. It was a win a win day for both of us. I’m thinking about rolling these little gems back out for Thanksgiving. What do you think? Do you think my family will miss the traditional sugar overload of traditional apple pies? —I know won’t and I don’t think they will either, especially once these try these delicious balls of apple pie bliss.

paleo apple snack

Looking for Paleo-approved ingredients for this energy bite recipe? Here is one we’d recommend:

Ground Organic Vietnamese Cinnamon (Frontier)

Cinnamon Apple Pie Energy Bites
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  1. ½ cup dehydrated apples
  2. ½ cup dates
  3. ½ cup raw almonds
  4. 2 tsp. cinnamon
  1. Place all ingredients into a food processor on high for 45 seconds-60 seconds or until ingredients are almost smooth and start to form a ball.
  2. Separate mixture into 14 evenly sized balls.
  3. Sprinkle with more cinnamon.
  4. Store in an airtight container.
Paleo Grubs

Cinnamon Apple Pie Energy Balls
Jess (Paleo Grubs)

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